Dental Assisting Class of 2026
The Seattle Central College (SCC) Dental Programs prepare dental professionals for the workplace, service to the community, and the dynamic roles in oral health care. The Dental Programs promote educational excellence through liberal and technical education in a diverse multicultural urban environment where scientific knowledge, skill development and societal changes are achieved.
The program website and "SCC Dental Assisting Application Information Packet" (available on the website) describes the dental assisting profession, career opportunities for dental hygienists, program pre-requisite courses, physical demands on dental assistants, important dates/deadlines, information session dates/times, and informational documents. It is important to understand that the SCC Dental Assisting Programs is a full-time, 4-quarter program. This means students may have classes and assignments M-F, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, for the fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters.
All criteria requested in this application must be met to be considered an applicant. You must have a ctcLink EMPLID (also known as an SID or 'student identification number') to log into the application page. The application is saved when navigating through each step of the application or at log out. DO NOT hit the "Submit" button at the end of the application until all steps are finalized and supporting documents have been uploaded. If you encounter problems or have questions during this process, please reach out to
Important Deadlines
- Application deadline: July 25, 2025
- Up to 24 students will be offered admission to the Seattle Central College Dental Assisting Program, Class of 2026.
- Mandatory Orientation Session: Friday, August 8, 2025 (tentative date)
- Admitted students must complete all compliance tasks (including but not limited to a national background check, health records, etc; see program admission information packet)
- Classes begin in Fall Quarter 2025
Disclosure: Application submission does not guarantee admission into the SCC Dental Assisting Program.