Accounting with International Accounting BAS degree

North Seattle College

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We are now accepting applications for Fall 2025.

Selected students can apply for early admissions for Fall or Winter start. Email if you have met one of the criteria below, as you may be eligible to apply for early admission into the program: 

  • Previously completed an Associate degree
  • Previously completed a bachelor’s degree
  • Previously completed 90+ credits are not actively pursuing an associate degree
  • Finishing/Completing an Associate degree in the current quarter

Early Admission applications will be reviewed monthly. 

The Accounting, with International Accounting Bachelor of Applied Science program provides graduates with the knowledge and skills required for employment in the field of accounting and preparation for meeting the Washington State CPA licensure requirements.Students from several different business, accounting, and real estate programs will be qualified to enter the Accounting, with International Accounting BAS program.

The degree will also provide a thorough understanding on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to enhance skills relevant to employment in the Seattle area. Students will gain knowledge and skills needed in the occupation, including organization of workload, application of FASB/GAAP principles and GAAS auditing standards, effective business communications, understanding of legal and ethical frameworks for business, intermediate transaction posting and financial statement preparation, and use of general ledger software.

Attention International Students: International students are eligible to apply starting fall. Please be aware all upper division BAS classes are 100% online and international students must plan accordingly to take at least some credits of face-to-face or hybrid 100/200 level courses each quarter in order to meet F-1 visa requirements. Check with International Programs

Fall 2025 Start

Now accepting applications

Application deadline: 9/11/2025

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Contact Us

Cate O'dahl Phone: (206) 934-3790 Hours: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm Program Website